Students are expected to submit all assignments and take all examinations as scheduled. Due to the timely nature of our profession and the duration of instruction, CIFS does not allow any make-up examinations or assignments. If a student misses a significant amount of academic work, then they may be advised to withdraw or request an official leave of absence (See LOA policy) so that their academic record is not adversely affected.
A student who desires to sit for the National Board Examination (NBE) or State Board Examination (SBE) administered by the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (ICFSEB) must first be certified by Commonwealth Institute to the ICFSEB. The ICFSEB does not allow certification for only one section of NBE (partial certification). Additionally, Commonwealth Institute does not send transcripts to the ICFSEB. The certification process is completed electronically by the college.
A student who desires to sit for the National Board Examination (NBE) or State Board Examination (SBE) administered by the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards (ICFSEB) must first be certified by Commonwealth Institute to the ICFSEB. The ICFSEB does not allow certification for only one section of NBE (partial certification). Additionally, Commonwealth Institute does not send transcripts to the ICFSEB. The certification process is completed electronically by the college.
The Commonwealth Institute Certification Exam is the most recent in a long line of successive exit exams utilized by the college. The Certification Exam is developed and administered by Commonwealth Institute, and it is similar in length and format to both the National Board Exam (NBE) and the State Board Exam (SBE). The Certification Exam may be computer-based or written. It is solely up to the discretion of Commonwealth Institute as to how it is administered and by which format. Passing the Certification Exam proves that a student has mastered the funeral service curriculum and is therefore ready to be CERTIFIED to sit for the NBE or SBE.
Like the NBE and SBE, the Certification Exam has two sections – Arts and Sciences. AAS Degree students will take both sections; just like the NBE. Certificate in Funeral Directing students will take only the Arts section; just like the SBE. Students must achieve a score of 80% or higher on EACH section of the Certification Exam (Arts & Sciences for AAS Degree students and Arts only for Certificate students). Section scores are not averaged. The Certification Exam is the final exam for the Board Review course (MSCI 2202 and CERT 2201 depending on program). A passing score is required for graduation and for certification to the ICFSEB in order to take either the NBE or SBE.
Students that fail the Certification Exam with a score of less than 80% will also fail the Board Review course. This will delay graduation and necessitate retaking Board Review when offered again. However, students that fail the Certification Exam may walk and participate at their intended commencement ceremony because they were candidates for graduation during that term.
Students in their final quarter who are in ineligible to graduate, for ANY reason, will be dropped from Board Review with a grade of “W” assigned. The course must then be repeated when rectifying the reason(s) for graduation ineligibility.
Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Service (CIFS) provides academic programs that are rigorous and challenging, consistent with other institutions of higher learning. CIFS has established the following criteria to measure good standing, academic recognition, and satisfactory progress.
The following grading system is used in all specialized courses in determining the student’s level of achievement. All courses carry a specific number of quarter hour credits. A quarter hour shall be considered as the equivalent of one course hour of lecture per week for an eleven-week period of instruction. A course lecture hour consists of one fifty-minute period. Students receive grade points according to the following system:
Grade Numerical Range Point Value per Credit Hour
A 90-100 4.0
B 80-89 3.0
C 70-79 2.0
D 60-69 1.0
F 0-59 0.0
TM Terminated by CIFS 0.0
W Withdrawal by student
TR Transfer Credit
CL Credit for prior learning
CR Credit by Exam
I Incomplete
AU Audit
NOTE: CIFS uses quarter credit hours
All specialized courses require a minimum passing grade of “C” or 70% in order to progress to the next academic term. The letter grade of Incomplete (I) may be given at the discretion of the course instructor. This temporary designation indicates the student completed all but a minor portion of the required work in the course. The student must complete the work and have the Incomplete removed from their grade record by the end of the 10th day after the end of the quarter or the grade will be changed to “F”.
To calculate the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA), add the total number of Grade Points earned and divide by the total number of hours taken, excluding credit hours with a grade of W, TR, CL, CR, I, or AU. When a course is repeated, the higher of the grades earned will take precedence and the grade point average will be calculated as if the course were taken only once.
CIFS requires students to earn a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. A student should be making satisfactory progress toward the completion of their program of study. The student must be proceeding through the program at a pace allowing for completion within the maximum time of 1 ½ times the normal program length. The following cumulative grade point average will be used to determine satisfactory academic progress.
0-20 quarter hours 1.6 cumulative GPA
21-40 quarter hours 1.7 cumulative GPA
41-60 quarter hours 1.8 cumulative GPA
61-80 quarter hours 1.9 cumulative GPA
81-97 quarter hours 2.0 cumulative GPA
Student success is paramount at CIFS. In order to support and enhance student success, students are required to successfully complete each academic quarter with a letter “C” grade or better for all specialized courses. If a student is unsuccessful in earning a “C” letter grade or better, they will need to repeat that course before proceeding with their academic schedule. CIFS offers all academic courses in a timely manner; however, if a student needs to repeat a course for an unsuccessful grade, their enrollment agreement will be terminated. The student must then re-apply/re-enroll in order to repeat the failed course(s) before continuing their academic schedule. A student has up to three attempts to successfully complete and pass all courses. If, at any time, a student cannot pass a course after three attempts, then they will be academically dismissed from CIFS without consideration of re-enrollment.
415 Barren Springs Drive
Houston, Texas 77090
Office Telephone: (281) 873-0262
Toll Free: (800) 628-1580
Fax: (281) 873-5232
Email: [email protected]
Campus Hours
Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Lecture Classes
Mon-Thu 8:00 AM – 8:50 AM
Mon-Thu 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Mon-Thu 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Mon-Thu 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM
Mon-Thu 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM
Embalming Labs
Mon-Thu 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Fri – 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
The dates and times of laboratory sessions are scheduled at the beginning of each quarter.
2024-2025 CATALOG