Home> Academic Programs > Associate of Applied Science >Board Review & Externship
This course is designed to acclimate each student to the expectations of licensure examinations. As applicable, this course will help prepare the student for academic success on state law exam(s), the National Board Exam, and the CIFS Certification Exam. As a part of this capstone course, each student must conduct five (5) arrangement conferences either on campus or with a pre-approved off-site preceptor. These may be real or simulated. (22/0/5/2)
Previously: MSCI 1020 Board Review
This course is designed to acclimate each student to the expectations of licensure examinations. As applicable, this course will help prepare the student for academic success on state law exam(s), the National Board Exam, and the CIFS Certification Exam. As a part of this capstone course, each student must conduct five (5) arrangement conferences either on campus or with a pre-approved off-site preceptor. These may be real or simulated. (22/0/5/2)
Previously: MSCI 1020 Board Review